How a Lawyer Can Help With Credit Card Debt
If you find yourself drowning in credit card debt you are not alone. Years of overspending and easy money have caused millions of Americans to effectively bury themselves in credit card debt. Debt settlement firms and lawyers offer services to help consumers who are struggling to make their payments. They can help you determine your rights as a consumer, develop a repayment plan or renegotiate or eliminate your debt.
Stop Collection Calls
Your lawyer can contact your creditors directly and stop collection calls to your home, cell phone, work and family members. If creditors continue to call, your lawyer can mail a cease and desist communications letter to your creditors, based on your rights under the Fair Debt Collections Practice Act.
Determine Your RIghts
You need to understand your rights as a debtor. A debt negotiation attorney can help you negotiate with your creditors to receive lower interest rates or lower payments. A lawyer cannot help you to simply walk away from your debt. In most cases, you will be responsible for paying the balance of your credit card debt. The key is to do it at a rate and payment plan that is affordable for you.
Develop a Plan
Your lawyer can outline a realistic repayment plan for you. He can determine whether you need to consider debt consolidation or bankruptcy. In many cases, a lawyer can present ideas to reduce your credit card debt burden.
Follow the Plan
Once you enact your consolidation, bankruptcy or repayment plan through your lawyer, you need to stick with it. Be sure that the plan is one that you can afford to manage on a monthly basis. If you aren't sure whether you can manage your payments, ask your lawyer to assist you in locating a financial management team. This team can put you on a budget to assure that you can meet your debt payments and eventually eliminate them.
Your lawyer is the point of contact between your credit card creditors and you. If you need to contact your creditor and feel uneasy doing so, your lawyer can handle the communications.
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